Friday, September 5, 2008


Ok, so God must have been preparing me last week when I found Adrienne's post and typed THIS post referring to where He is during the bad times. Tuesday night, a bad time made itself known to me. My Grama being hospitalized and doctors not knowing what was going on, I was a basket case all day Wednesday. I was going crazy because I couldn't be there. I normally am okay with not living so close to family all the time, but in situations like this, you really want to be there. Well, I am having to live this experience through my brother. Praise GOD he is not working right now. We couldn't believe it when he got let go because he is an awesome worker and they really had no excuse for why they let him go. Well, God obviously knew that a trial would be coming for our family. My brother being off work right now is a true blessing because he can spend all day if needed with my Grama and he has this calming effect that he refers to as "the Christ in me" that helps hold the family together. He also can make some sense out of what the doctors are saying and through me, knows what questions to be asking. I am so sad I can't be there, but God made a way for Mark to have the time to be there so I am not worrying as much as I would be otherwise.
God is good all the time. All the time, God is good. I have to keep remembering that life is on HIS highway, not mine and we have to trust He knows what He is doing.
Thank you Lord for this lesson in humility that you provided me this week. Please keep my family wrapped in Your arms during this trial. Help my unsaved family realize that You are the ultimate Comforter and Healer and that You do carry us through it all.