Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Today is the 7th anniversary of 9/11. It seems impossible that the most tragic day in US history occurred so long ago. To me, it still seems fresh in my memory. I am sure for the victims and their families, that day is relived every day. I can remember most every detail of my day that day. Where I was the exact moment I found out and repeatedly checking CNN and NBC for updates. I didn't personally know anyone that died that day, but it doesn't matter, those people still bear remembering.

The Pentagon unveiled their memorial to the victims today. You can check it out online HERE. I think the artist who worked to design this memorial really put alot of thought into preserving the memory of the victims. It is an interesting design, but very well thought out.

As an American, I hope that I never forget or let my guard down about what happened that horrible day. I hope that those of you reading this never forget either. Freedom isn't free. Support our troops who are defending us! You may not like or support the war, but you have to support the troops, they are just doing their jobs.

Never forget!