Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday!

I did not make my doctor order me another CT scan for my left lower quadrant pain which turned out to be completely normal. I did not ask him to order me a kidney ultrasound, but he did order it, and it too was completely normal. I am normal, can you believe that? I am still flabbergasted at what could be causing my pain. Scar tissue is about the only thing I can figure is left as a problem. GI doctor is testing a theory of my colon spasming by treating with a medication for now, I'll let you know how it goes.

I did not make the kids do a scavenger hunt for our Harvest Party. I then also did not scold Joey for being a butthead about not properly participating. I didn't. Teenagers I tell ya!

I did not forget to mail a card to my brother for his 15th birthday. I didn't. I love you buddy!

I did not go to the doctor for my sprained hand just so I could get the splint as part of the cost of the visit. I didn't.

I did not raid my niece's Halloween candy for my sweet tooth craving this weekend. I didn't.

I did not fill up the gas tank on my Honda and do a "happy dance" right there when it came to only $25.

Nope, not me!


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

We all forget b-days sometimes. That is everyone else, but (not me!!!) cute list