Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Me Monday! 11/24/08

It is time for my second installment of "Not Me" Monday. I enjoyed the first one and linking to MckMama's blog, she had almost 300 people signed up as doing this. I think it caught on!

So to start off this week...........

I did not go to the store to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving based on the super awesome price of $0.68 a pound only to discover upon checkout that I had not read the fine print and you had to buy $50 of groceries first. This was my last stop of the day, I had already bought my groceries elsewhere. RAR! I had to pay $0.88 a pound instead.

I did not watch Anne of Green Gables for the 100th time and cry when Matthew died.

I did not go through all the things I have collected this year for CHRISTmas gifts and start wrapping those I had completed. **Please note, I am a last minute kind of girl on the wrapping thing usually and I am never this prepared with having gifts so early either.

I did not ask my neighbor if I could put a bag of garbage in his can this week because I forgot to pay my garbage bill.

I did not groan when I found out for the fourth time in as many years, my desk is once again moving down the hall. (I guess its a good way to clean out the clutter, right?)

I did not do a "happy dance" at my desk on Monday because my PTO accrual is finally getting a bump after ten years. The equivelent of an extra week over a year is now added to my balance.

I did not laugh when the ten-year-old brought up a topic that a ten-year-old should not know about and then continue to explain that the topic was not appropriate for her age while trying to not laugh. Mommy and Mamie were so NOT prepared for that comment and Mommy couldn't even get a word out!

I did not do a half "happy dance" while sitting in my car driving to the store because Kristin called to tell me that after ten very long years, we have finally been granted parking on campus at work!!

I did not do a "happy dance" when the price of gas came down to $1.69 for the first time in four years! This is something I was sure I'd never see again. Hoping to see the continuance of the prices lowering, and staying this way.

I did not laugh when the 19-month old walked into the living room carrying two drawers from his Sissy's makeup table and literally chuck them at his ten-year-old sister. I didn't! And neither did Mom or Dad.


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I am loving the cheaper gas too! FIlling the car for under $20! Whoo-hoo!