Friday, August 29, 2008

Where is God in the bad times?

I was checking a blog I hadn't checked in quite some time and Adrienne had a pretty profound posting the other day. Adrienne lost her beautiful son Noah to an unknown disease before he was even one and if anyone can question God, a mother in mourning certainly has the right. Adrienne is a Christian and through everything, good days and bad, she still has certainty that God has a plan and she chooses to walk through life with this attitude. She has some very insightful thoughts from time to time and this one, I had to share.

I urge you to check this post. If it doesn't make you think and make you hit your knees, then I don't know what else to tell you.

All the time, God is good. God is good, all the time.

Have a good long weekend everyone!

Favorite Foto Friday ~ 08/29/08

This week, its Joey!
This is him in his football attire. Joey plays for the Lewiston-Altura Cardinals. He is a sophomore, he has talent as a wide receiver. He is so rockin' that he plays on all three teams, the 9th grade team, the JV team and Varsity. Go Cards!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blog Makeover

Well, I didn't pay someone as I don't have the money, but I figured out how to add my own templates and that made a world of difference!
Only thing is I wiped out all my "widgets", so I sort of started from scratch, but oh well. I know what I am doing now!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So, pretty much everyone who knows me knows how much I want to be a mom someday. And pretty much everyone who knows me knows I "adopt" their kids because I enjoy them, well, most of them, most of the time! HA!

I know alot of people who have adopted and for the most part, have nothing but positives about the situations. These adoptions are all types - embryo, open, closed, older kids, disabled kids, international - the whole gamut really.

Adoption is really a wonderful gift for both sides. The reasons for someone giving up their child(ren) vary and it really doesn't matter the why, what matters is that the birth mom(usually) made a very tough decision, but a wise one, to let her child have a chance. The reasons to adopt vary just as much as giving up a child(ren). Some are unable to have children naturally and have gone through a hellacious and expensive experience of fertility treatments and still have not conceived. Some have a child(ren) naturally already, but have decided their family is not complete, but feel they can offer a child in need the love they have to give. All in all, no matter which side you are on, the reasons are yours and yours alone. Oh, your story might sort of match someone, but it will never completely match.

With all the people I know who have adopted, and with the desire in my heart for children, I have been contemplating adoption for quite some time. I have had the desire to adopt probably as long as the desire to be a mom, and I had hoped to have both natural and adopted children in my family at some point. God is a little funny sometimes in how he answers prayers, we don't always get exactly what we want or even at all, but that doesn't mean he doesn't answer prayers.

I turned 31 this month. I am still single. My maternal clock is ticking. There is no dating in my life, no boyfriend or fiance on the line. I know God has a plan for me and perhaps I haven't been really listening to Him the way I should. Being single when most of your friends and family have gone on to marry and have families is so very hard. It does get lonely at times and I doubt what God has in store. I always thought I'd marry young and have babies young and the older I get, the more I worry that the opportunity is slipping away. I know women can have babies in what the medical community deems "advanced years" of 35 and up, I just never thought I'd be in that category. I want at least five children, doesn't matter how I get them, but my timing for getting them is shrinking.

So, all of this to say, I am considering adoption. Now. I feel like this is meant to be part of the plan now. I don't know what is in the future. I would much rather my child have a two parent family, but, I think God is leading me to pursue this at this point in my life. I truly hope to have a husband and expand my family some day, but I feel like this is the plan right now. Children are a gift from God and adoption is such a blessing. I truly think adoption is a calling I am meant to pursue.

It is all very preliminary. I haven't even chosen an agency or made a decision to do a US or an international adoption. There are many forms, many questions, and of course, the wait. It could happen in a few months, it could be a few years. I am basically in the inquiry stage and we'll see where it leads. If doors open, then I will know that I am heading in the right direction. If they close, then, perhaps I am wrong. Either way, I will let God guide my steps in this and we'll see where it leads. I'll keep you posted. On the side bar, you'll see a spot where you can donate to the cause. Expenses vary depending on the adoption, but even getting started is a cost of $2000. Thats just paperwork, background checks and the home study. That isn't even anything to do with obtaining a child! So, if you feel led, feel free to donate to the cause.

My blog friend Heather, an adoptive mother, wrote this scripture on her blog right before Allie came home. It seems so fitting.

5) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6) To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
7) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
8) Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
9) Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:" Ephesians 1:5-9

Tuesday Funnies ~ Kids Say.......

Some cute kids have an interesting perspective on God and life sometimes. Stories from an email I got.

In a special service for preschoolers, our pastor talked about heaven. At the end, he asked, "Where do you want to go?" "Heaven!" they all shouted. "And what do you have to be to get to heaven?" Without hesitation, a chorus of little voices yelled, "Dead!"
One day I heard my son Kyle, 3, singing along with a song about John 3:16. I was heartened that Gor's Word was soaking into his hear and mind, then I realized what he was singing' That whoever believes in Jesus "will never die, but happy turtle life!"
Telling the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, a teacher said, "lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city. Lot got away safely, but his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt." When she asked if hte children had any questions, one young boy asked, "What happened to the flea?"
Two little boys and their mother sat in a pew in front of me one Sunday. THe older boy squirmed continually, clearly bored by the sermon. He nudged his little brother and whispered loudly, "I wish we were watching TV, 'cause then I could change the channel!"
When my friend's 4-year-old son, Derek, became frightened during a thunderstorm, she told him it was God bowling in heaven. Excitedly, he asked, "Does he ever bowl where we do?"
A friend teaching the 7th grade Bible class at a Christian school told her students that Adam and Eve weren't the first ones who chose to sin. She asked her students, "Who was Satan before he fell?" Savannah's hand shot up. "I know his name! He was Ludicrous!"
When a friend asked her 4-year-old daughter to fetch a can of soup from the pantry, she replied, "But it's dark and scary in there!" "You don't have to be afraid," came her mother's calm reply. "Jesus is always with you, even in the pantry. "The girl thought for a moment, walked over to the pantry, stuck her head in the door, and called, "Jesus, if you're in there, can you hand me a can of soup?"
Our 6-year-old daughter went to Bible School at a sister church, and while telling us about it, she referred to the pastor by his first name. I corrected her, saying she needed to call him Pastor Chris because he's a pastor just like Daddy, Pastor John, Pastor Mark, and Pastor Glen.
"Do you know what 'pastor' means?" I asked. She considered the question and then said, very tentatively, "I'm not sure, but I think it means goofy."

When we introduced our daughter to the pastor for the first time, he said, "Thank you for visiting, Danielle. I hope to see more of you soon." Danielle looked puzzled and replied, "But this is all there is of me!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to.............

He is the big 4-1 this year.
We celebrated really low key due to budget constraints, but I think he still had a nice birthday. He gets to go golfing on Sunday, that is his favorite way to spend his time, so that should make up for it.
Happy Birthday Fred!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Food Blog

Ok, so I haven't heard from many yet, but I decided to do it ANYWAY!

Please feel free to check out my food blog, my intent is to do a weekly posting on Wednesdays.

And if you like a recipe or try a recipe, please post your thoughts on it, good or bad. Like I said before, I don't always measure when I cook, so I am guesstimating some of the measurements and they may be off a little.

Enjoy the new blog!


Okay, so I know people are reading the blog because the counter indicates you are coming by to check things out.
The thing I don't know is WHO!
I don't care if you have been here once or a hundred times, I'd just like to have an idea of who my audience really is.
Could you please comment to this post even if just to say Hi, its me, ___________(fill your name in here)?
You don't have to comment on every post, but it'd be nice to see a comment from time to time for me to know that I am not just talking to myself. I have always been a firm believer that talking to yourself is ok, but when you start answering yourself, then you are in trouble!
So, kindly let me know who you are...........I am interested!
And if you have a blog of your own, please post that as well, would love to check out other sites.
Have a good weekend!

Favorite Foto Friday ~ 08/22/08

This week, its an updated photo of my friend Elizabeth's baby Josiah. He is getting so big already! Can you believe the blue eyes that somehow managed to penetrate his Spanish heritage!?
So cute!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Food for Thought?

Well, my friend Wendi has a fellow Air Force wife friend, Joia, that has a recipe blog in addition to her family blog. It got me to thinking that maybe I should do something similar. People are always asking me for my recipes. Only problem is half the time, I don't measure stuff! I only measure to bake, not to cook. BUT, I could put some effort into making my recipes come out on paper.

Anyone up for it? Respond to the comment section and if enough interest, I'll start working on it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

(UPDATED)Prayer needed ~ my friend Paula

Got a call on Sunday. My friend Paula from highschool and church. Her dad died in a motorcycle accident this weekend.
Please be in prayer for the family during this difficult time.

You can find the obituary and funeral info HERE.

Thanks for praying!

Food on Vacation

Well, this weekend was alot about food!
On my way down to my mom's, I had to hit my favorite places. Only I didn't have time for them all! I did get my Rocky Rococo's pizza however and it was good. My intent was to hit White Castle too, but I was behind as it was, so I skipped it that time.
Thursday and Friday were both big breakfast days!
Thursday was also your average Thanksgiving spread of turkey and all the fixins'! Yum. We also had dreamcake!!
Friday we had DQ and homecookin' at the Overlook restaurant.
Saturday was the reunion and we BBQ'd dogs and burgers and everyone brough a dish to pass. We had pizza on the way home.
Sunday was omelette's for breakfast and tacos for lunch. We also had DQ ice cream cake to celebrate my birthday ten days late. It is the only cake I will take for my birthday!
Monday on the way home I did get my White Castle! Had two sandwiches. First time since surgery. I was a little scared to eat them not knowing how they'd react now that I don't have a stomach, but it was not bad at all. White Castle's are known for being gut bombs, but I didn't really experience anything except the yumminess!! Please refer to THIS post for my explanation on White Castle.
I also had Rocky Rococo's again on the way home.

YUM!! I can't eat nearly as much as I used to, but at least I can get the taste of it and still be satisfied.

Five Day Weekend 08/13-08/18

Well, the five day weekend went by WAY too fast. I totally ruined my sleep hygiene these past few days, so I have to work really hard at getting back into schedule this week. I also am planning to start my five-day-a-week gym routine this week, so that is something else I am working to figure out since each day is a different activity at a different time.

Anyway, back to the trip. I left Wednesday after work, which, I am still on short shifts, so it was noon. I had packed the car up that morning so I could just leave immediately. Well, I didn't quite get out of work at noon and then had to walk six blocks to the car and wait my turn to get out of the ramp, and then I needed lunch, so I grabbed Wendy's on my way to the Interstate, so all said and done, it was about 12:45 by the time I was actually on my way. I was doing really well until I got to Chicago. I knew I was going to hit traffic, but because I hit it at 5 instead of 4, I REALLY hit traffic! Ugh! Two hours to go what would normally take me 45 minutes. I honestly cannot understand why people would purposely do this to themselves twice a day, every day! SERIOUSLY!!!!

So because of the traffic hangup, I didn't have time to stop at my Uncle Bryan's and visit over supper like I planned. I had to be to Indianapolis by 8:45CST, which is 9:45EST, to pick up my brother Mark and his wife Ashly from the airport. So, because of the Chicago hangup, I was late. And their plane got in 30 minutes early. AND their luggage was first off the plane. How the heck does this happen? Planes NEVER get in early and my luggage is almost always last piece off. When I am running late, I expect the airlines to cooperate with me! HELLO!

So, I picked them up about an hour after they had landed and Mark graciously took over driving as I was exhausted. He drove the final 2.5 hours to my moms and we got in just after midnight. Mom and the kids were waiting up for us and my dad actually got off work early that night and was up too. So, we stayed up chatting until after 2AM.

Thursday was mostly a lazy day. We got up late and had big breakfast(that's pancakes or french toast with either sausage or bacon for us). We did have some grocery shopping to do because the plan was to have a turkey dinner that evening. My grandparents from WI were arriving about dinner time and we invited the grandparents from KY to join us as well. So aside from dinner prep, we just hung out.

Friday we got up late and had a big breakfast again and then took off to Louisville(you have to say it correctly, Louivul). We started out at the Glassworks Factory. Most of the artists weren't working that day due to some maintenance, so we got to go on a self-guided free tour. This place does all kinds of art from ceiling chain pulls to huge architectural designs on and in buildings. There was alot that was interesting and the process involved sort of makes you appreciate the cost of an item when you see how labor intensive it is.

The next stop was to be the Louisville(say it the right way please!) Slugger factory.
It just so happens it was on the opposite block of the Glassworks place, but we didn't know it until after we left our parking space and drove in circles on the crazy one ways where people apparently think its the Indy 500 or something. Sheesh! So, we walk to the building and there is this HUGE baseball bat on the outside of the building. I couldn't get a shot where it was all included, so thus, two pics. We walk inside and there is a wall that greets you that has all the signatures of every baseball player that signed a contract with Louisville Slugger since its inception. BIG WALL! Got a few shots of famous or not so famous players.
As we continue on, overhead are some flags with famous players, so I decided to snap a few shots of those when we notice an admission sign. They wanted $9 a person to walk through the factory. SERIOUSLY? So we ended up browsing the gift shop and left. Never had to pay to tour a factory before, not starting now! As we were leaving, we started walking past these bronze bats and plates, so I snapped a few shots of those.
So then we were going to go to this Lincoln exhibit, they aren't open on Fridays. SERIOUSLY?
So by now its 4:30 EST and we decide we'll head towards home. On the way, there is a restaurant just off the highway called The Overlook. It overlooks the Ohio River Valley. Very pretty. Decent food. The town it is in, Leavenworth, IN, has touristy stuff, but of course, its nearly 5, everything is closing. So, after dinner, we just headed for home.

Saturday we had to be up early to head up towards Indianapolis for a family reunion. Indy is considered EST, so we had to do everything an hour early to get there on time. We had a good time visiting with family for about five hours. Some we hadn't seen since Great Grandma Gardner passed, so was nice to see people outisde of a funeral home. On the way home, we took the long scenic route so we could go through Washington, IN, which is a hub for the Amish and Mennonite communities. Ashly had never really seen anything relating to the Amish and Mennonites, so it was somewhat education, somewhat fun. They have a restaurant, general store and furniture store all with the "Black Buggy" label. The furniture store was closed, but the others were open. We weren't very hungry and the Black Buggy restaurant is a full service buffet, so we went next door to Bobe's pizza and had a lighter meal. Headed for home after that.

Sunday we were up somewhat early again for church. Dad made us omelettes for breakfast. Church was good, they had a baptismal. My sister was one of the ones getting dunked. The afternoon was short, but we made homemade tacos for dinner and I got a small nap in before the next church service. After that, a bunch of us older "youth" got together at the Dillinger's and had food, camaraderie and games. Was a good time, another late night.

Monday came way too soon and my intent was to be on the road by 9, it was alot closer to 11. I was tired! I stopped in Griffith to deliver a few things to my Grama at my Uncle Bryan's house. I then grabbed lunch, a fuel fill and was back on the road. I was determined to kick the traffic this time and I succeeded!! Got to Beloit and was so sleepy that I pulled off at the rest area and took a 45 minute nap before continuing on. Stopped in Madison for Rocky Rococo's pizza one last time. Got into Rochester around 10 and proceeded to Walmart for a few groceries before heading home. Would you believe it, I was wide awake! AHHHH! I was up for awhile, I think I dozed somewhere around 12:30. Was very tired Tuesday morning!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday 08/15/08

This week, its my house.

This first picture is from 2004 before I bought it, its from the realtor's file.

And this is now! I have new siding, a new roof, new doors and windows and a bunch of stuff on the inside that I fixed up.

This is the garage.

Maybe someday I'll have some interior photos?

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prayer Needed ~ My Aunt Tammie

I am down in Indiana visiting with my family. My grandparents from WI came in this afternoon and we invited my grandparents from KY to join us and we had a big turkey dinner tonight. After supper, my Grama Jeannie got a call from a doctor at a hospital. Her daughter Tammie was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in her stomach. Right now they are treating the condition with medication and hoping it will resolve itself in the next few days. If it doesn't resolve, they would need to do surgery.
Tammie lives in Virginia, close to DC, and my Grama is feeling helpless being in Kentucky and not with her daughter. She would like to go out there, but finances are tight right now.
Please pray that Tammie's condition resolves with the medication and that she'll be able to go home on Saturday, that is when the 48 hour time period will expire for worry about the condition. God can take care of this.
And should the condition worsen, my Grama will of course insist on being there, so the Lord can make a way for that too.
We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.

Help Aunt Tammie to feel better soon. Help this clot to dissolve on its own and for her to get back to normal. I pray that this isn't a persistent condition and that she'll have no more worries about this. You are a Sovreign God and know our hearts, please honor our request.
In Your Name,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dog Days of Summer? I Think Not!

Summer has been such an enigma lately. Normally July and August would be fairly roasting us to death, but this year, for the most part, it has been almost perfect weather!!
I seriously cannot believe our good fortune!

And while rain is definitely needed right now, I am glad that our very wet days of June have not continued.

So those of you stuck in Texas and other areas of the south in the 100's, I don't envy you one bit! Normally the humidity would be killing me by now, but it has been so tolerable this year, I am almost afraid to publish this post for fear that things will take a turn for the worse.

God, keep the nice temperatures, breezes and zero to little humidity in our favor for the rest of summer. And every once in awhile, a nice thunderstorm to keep the green.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Funnies ~ Holy Humor

A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, 'I know what the Bible means!'
His father smiled and replied, 'What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?
The son replied, 'I do know!'
'Okay,' said his father. 'What does the Bible mean?'
'That's easy, Daddy...' the young boy replied excitedly,' It stands for
'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'
There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country.
'Is there anything breakable in here?' asked the postal clerk.
'Only the Ten Commandments.' answered the lady.
A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: 'I have circled the block 10 times. If I don't park here, I'll miss my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses.'
When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note 'I've circled this block for 10 years. If I don't give you a ticket I'll lose my job. Lead us not into temptation.'
While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign... 'Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust.'
A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, 'Boys and girls, what do we know about God?'
A hand shot up in the air. 'He is an artist!' said the kindergarten boy.
'Really? How do you know?' the teacher asked.
'You know - Our Father, who does art in Heaven... '
A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump.
'Reverend,' said the young man, 'I'm so sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.'
The minister chuckled, 'I know what you mean. It's the same in my business.'
People want the front of the bus, the back of the church, and the center of attention.
Sunday after church, a Mom asked her very young daughter what the lesson was about.
The daughter answered, 'Don't be scared, you'll get your quilt.'
Needless to say, the Mom was perplexed. Later in the day, the pastor stopped by for tea and the Mom asked him what that morning's Sunday school lesson was about.
He said 'Be not afraid, thy comforter is coming.'
The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play.
'Here's a copy of the service,' he said impatiently. 'But, you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances.'
During the service, the minister paused and said, 'Brothers and Sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.'
At that moment, the substitute organist played 'The Star Spangled Banner.'
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
And pass it on to other folk

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mini Vacation

Well, I know I just got back to work, but I am off on a mini-vacation for a family reunion. I leave Wednesday after work, which is at noon, and will have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday with family.
I stop in Indianapolis to pick up my brother Mark and his wife Ashly and bring them the rest of the way with me to my Mom's. Then Thursday night, Grama and Grampa Gardner arrive. Friday we plan to do some sort of field trip and Saturday is the reunion up in Clarksville. Sunday is church and rest and Monday I head home.
It is a short visit, but it will be good to see family again.
Am hoping since Mark is out of a job at the moment that he'll agree to my idea of staying a few extra days and coming up to Wisconsin to visit some other family and friends for a few days. Am tentatively planning on bring Marissa and Elijah home with me for a few weeks as well. I really enjoy having them here with me even though my Mom misses them terribly. Since they homeschool, timing of start does not matter, they can bring it with them and do it here too.

Well, lots to do before then, so I better get to it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday 08/08/08

This week, its about my parents(all of them!)! They both had anniversaries this month.
This is my mom and stepdad, Sherri & Mike
celebrating 17 years August 7th!
This is my dad and stepmom, Mark & Sandee
celebrating 24 years August 3rd!
I love you all!
Happy Anniversary!

Out of Rehab!

So I graduated yesterday from the Pain Rehabilitation Center(PRC). My discharge summary indicated I excelled in the program and am ready to face the real world again.

So, I am back at work, however, I did get a doctor to sign off on the PRC's recommendations of a gradual return and thus am working four hour shifts for a week, then six hour shifts another week, then back to my eights. This is a blessing as getting back into a routine is always difficult, but trying to incorporate the PRC skills I learned is essential to long term success.

First and foremost, one must breathe! I know you all think you already are, but the good majority of you, are doing so incorrectly. Let me explain a little. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your tummy and take a breath in and out. Which hand moved?? Was it the hand on your chest? If so, you breathe incorrectly. Look at a baby or a small child, pay attention long enough and you will note they breathe using their tummy(aka diaphragm). Somewhere in our preteen years, most of us stop breathing with our diaphragm and thus, we lose our ability to breathe properly. You see, when you breathe from your diaphragm, you are allowing your body to be oxygenated better.
More oxygenation leads to:
• More oxygen to the body for overall health improvement
• Enhancement of the brain function for clearer thinking and alertness
• More oxygen to the muscles to increase energy and performance
• More oxygen to skin cells for healthier, younger looking skin
• Enhanced metabolism and waste removal
• Enhancement of the body's ability to fight bacteria and viruses
• Better absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients

A second key to the program is exercise! I know you all know this, but how many of us do it? Daily exercise is key, at least 30 minutes and it could be as simple as taking a long walk! The PRC encourages daily stretching exercises and at least 30 minutes of strengthening/aerobic exercise on at least five of seven days, but they do advocate for every day as much as possible. Exercise produces endorphins and endorphins help our body do alot of our daily functions including fighting pain and stress! Yoga is something that I thought I'd never recommend, but the beginner basic yoga called Hatha, is very simplistic and more or less about stretching and breathing correctly, so I actually ended up enjoying that as part of the daily routine.

The two things I mention are only part of the philosophy of the PRC, but are key tenets of the program that ANYONE can do and benefit from.
I'd encourage all of you to try them and tell me different!

I'll fill you in on more at another time, this should keep you busy for awhile.

Prayer needed ~ My brother, Mark

So about ten days ago, my brother walked into his job and they told him they were letting him go.
They couldn't really give him a reason. They did offer him a reference letter.

The thing is, my brother is a hard worker. Doesn't matter what the job is, he tackles it. So why would you fire one of your best employees?

We can't figure it out since they just hired eight new ones, so it can't be a downsizing excuse. The guy who had to tell him the news, didn't even know. He has never had a performance review, but I know he is a good worker or they would have fired him long before now. We think that due to his third anniversary approaching with the company, they wanted him out before they had to increase his benefits. See, at three years, your vacation triples, and you get sick pay and a raise and some other miscellaneous benefits.

They did offer him his bonus he was due from one of the new hires that he recommended, so at least he got that.

SOOOOOOOOO, the big thing is, he needs a job. We all know that the corporate world is downsizing all the time and jobs almost anywhere are hard to come by. HOWEVER, Mark has a few things going for him in that he is a good worker and he had top grades at graduation and was being "hunted" by several accounting firms and thus, getting a new job, providing someone has openings, shouldn't be too difficult.
He is trusting God through all of this and that there is a lesson to be learned.

So the request would be that Mark is able to make the right decision for his next job. He has been married just over a year now and is the main support for the house, so with money tight already, this could be somewhat of a struggle for them depending on how long it takes. He should be able to get unemployment, but we all know its never the same as your check. They are without health insurance too at the moment.

Please pray that Mark goes where God is leading. And please pray that God keeps both Mark & Ashly healthy during this time.
We know you have a plan in all of this. We don't always know what you are up to, but your plan is always better than ours. Please help Mark make the right choices in applying for new jobs and the offers he receives. Please help Mark & Ashly remain healthy while they have no insurance. Lord just cover them both and be with them in every step they take.
In Your name we pray,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary to....................

my Mom and stepdad, Sherri & Mike!
They are celebrating 17 years today!
This photo is from Mark's wedding in June 2007.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to.........................ME!

I am wishing myself a Happy Birthday!
I am on my second to last day of the Pain Rehab Clinic today.
I am officially 31, but last year, I made the decision to go backwards, so I am back in my twenties at 29!
Here's to hoping for great things in the next year to come!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to...........

Grama Connie!Grama Connie is the cute blond one!

It's my Grama's big day today and the best thing about it, no radiation!!!

Woohoo! She finished that up mid-July. She did lose some of her hair since the radiation was directly on her head, so she is wearing a wig presently, but she is hoping her hair will miraculously have changed its ways and grow back quickly. That is her birthday wish! Well, that and good health and probably having me closer would be good! I know she misses not having me around.

I love you Grama!

Hope your day was a good one!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary to....................

to my Dad and stepmom, Mark & Sandee!
They are celebrating 24 years today!
This photo is from Mark's wedding in June 2007.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday 08/01/08

This week, its about family. This photo was taken in 2006 at Al's wedding. It is my maternal grandparents, their four children and their spouses. back row: Brenda, Tim, Bryan & Sharon
front row: Ken, Peggy, Louise, Wayne, Sherri & Mike
The ones highlighted in purple are my grandparents children.
Have a good weekend!