Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday Funnies ~ Kids Say.......

Some cute kids have an interesting perspective on God and life sometimes. Stories from an email I got.

In a special service for preschoolers, our pastor talked about heaven. At the end, he asked, "Where do you want to go?" "Heaven!" they all shouted. "And what do you have to be to get to heaven?" Without hesitation, a chorus of little voices yelled, "Dead!"
One day I heard my son Kyle, 3, singing along with a song about John 3:16. I was heartened that Gor's Word was soaking into his hear and mind, then I realized what he was singing' That whoever believes in Jesus "will never die, but happy turtle life!"
Telling the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, a teacher said, "lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city. Lot got away safely, but his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt." When she asked if hte children had any questions, one young boy asked, "What happened to the flea?"
Two little boys and their mother sat in a pew in front of me one Sunday. THe older boy squirmed continually, clearly bored by the sermon. He nudged his little brother and whispered loudly, "I wish we were watching TV, 'cause then I could change the channel!"
When my friend's 4-year-old son, Derek, became frightened during a thunderstorm, she told him it was God bowling in heaven. Excitedly, he asked, "Does he ever bowl where we do?"
A friend teaching the 7th grade Bible class at a Christian school told her students that Adam and Eve weren't the first ones who chose to sin. She asked her students, "Who was Satan before he fell?" Savannah's hand shot up. "I know his name! He was Ludicrous!"
When a friend asked her 4-year-old daughter to fetch a can of soup from the pantry, she replied, "But it's dark and scary in there!" "You don't have to be afraid," came her mother's calm reply. "Jesus is always with you, even in the pantry. "The girl thought for a moment, walked over to the pantry, stuck her head in the door, and called, "Jesus, if you're in there, can you hand me a can of soup?"
Our 6-year-old daughter went to Bible School at a sister church, and while telling us about it, she referred to the pastor by his first name. I corrected her, saying she needed to call him Pastor Chris because he's a pastor just like Daddy, Pastor John, Pastor Mark, and Pastor Glen.
"Do you know what 'pastor' means?" I asked. She considered the question and then said, very tentatively, "I'm not sure, but I think it means goofy."

When we introduced our daughter to the pastor for the first time, he said, "Thank you for visiting, Danielle. I hope to see more of you soon." Danielle looked puzzled and replied, "But this is all there is of me!"