Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prayer Needed ~ My Aunt Tammie

I am down in Indiana visiting with my family. My grandparents from WI came in this afternoon and we invited my grandparents from KY to join us and we had a big turkey dinner tonight. After supper, my Grama Jeannie got a call from a doctor at a hospital. Her daughter Tammie was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in her stomach. Right now they are treating the condition with medication and hoping it will resolve itself in the next few days. If it doesn't resolve, they would need to do surgery.
Tammie lives in Virginia, close to DC, and my Grama is feeling helpless being in Kentucky and not with her daughter. She would like to go out there, but finances are tight right now.
Please pray that Tammie's condition resolves with the medication and that she'll be able to go home on Saturday, that is when the 48 hour time period will expire for worry about the condition. God can take care of this.
And should the condition worsen, my Grama will of course insist on being there, so the Lord can make a way for that too.
We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.

Help Aunt Tammie to feel better soon. Help this clot to dissolve on its own and for her to get back to normal. I pray that this isn't a persistent condition and that she'll have no more worries about this. You are a Sovreign God and know our hearts, please honor our request.
In Your Name,