Monday, August 11, 2008

Mini Vacation

Well, I know I just got back to work, but I am off on a mini-vacation for a family reunion. I leave Wednesday after work, which is at noon, and will have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday with family.
I stop in Indianapolis to pick up my brother Mark and his wife Ashly and bring them the rest of the way with me to my Mom's. Then Thursday night, Grama and Grampa Gardner arrive. Friday we plan to do some sort of field trip and Saturday is the reunion up in Clarksville. Sunday is church and rest and Monday I head home.
It is a short visit, but it will be good to see family again.
Am hoping since Mark is out of a job at the moment that he'll agree to my idea of staying a few extra days and coming up to Wisconsin to visit some other family and friends for a few days. Am tentatively planning on bring Marissa and Elijah home with me for a few weeks as well. I really enjoy having them here with me even though my Mom misses them terribly. Since they homeschool, timing of start does not matter, they can bring it with them and do it here too.

Well, lots to do before then, so I better get to it.