Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Funnies ~ 4th of July/Jess

I am grounded again. Mama said so.

Ok, lets back up the story a bit:
The weekend of 4th of July was spent with the Peaslee's. My parents couldn't make it up here for the holiday and none of the rest of the family was going to be at Grama's, so I decided to stick close to home and spent it with "my other family." So the whole weekend was mostly lazy, although we did some projects that kept us busy around the house.
Friday we had a big breakfast and then went school clothes shopping for Samantha and Cadi. In the afternoon, we worked on our food contributions and spent the evening at the Cranor's fellowshipping with about a third of the church! The Cranors just got into their new house and it was a good thing its big, there were a ton of people around. We had a good time.

Satuday again we had a big breakfast and then leftovers for lunch in preparation for a big ham dinner. I also made two batches of homemade ice cream. Have never done this before and learned a few things along the way. It tasted magnificent by the way! MMMMMM!! The ham dinner was awesome and complimented by cheesy potatoes, deviled eggs, green bean casserole and rolls. Laurie made lemonade from scratch as well.

Sunday our church was scheduled for an all church outdoor service, so since we didn't have life group responsibilities, we decided we'd go visit LifeChurch in Rochester. Our former associate pastor is the leader there and some of our families went with to build the ministry. IT WAS AWESOME to see how many people have joined already. The room was pretty full on Sunday, granted nine Peaslees, myself and the Bunke clan aren't regulars, but there was still a bunch of people there that weren't Winona transplants. It is awesome to see God blessing Pastor Doug and his outreach because it was definitely a faith thing. No building, no money, no congregants. God is awesome.

After church, we stopped by my house where the boys mowed my lawn. It had been at least three weeks and it was sort of Amazonish, so I am greatful they did that, and in the crazy humidity to boot! After that, Cody treated us all to lunch at Wendy's and then we headed for home. The plan was for the babies, the mommy and the Aimee to take a nap, well, I ended up not being tired, Kersten wasn't either and Jess screamed for nearly an hour, so I finally went and got him. Was trying to sneak out of the house quietly as mommy had a headache, but, she ended up awake anyway. We had tacos for dinner and just vegged in front of the TV the rest of the evening.

So to the funny part, Jess. Oh the kid is so adorable with his bright blue eyes and he can smile and melt your heart! And he is finally confident walking on his own now, so cute! Well, for this weekend, he decided I was his buddy more than mommy. He'd follow me all over the house and if I didn't stop and pick him up, he'd get mad and cry. On Sunday, he was tired about the time church started, but you know how kids fight. Well at one point he jumped from mommy's arms to mine and he snuggled in like for a hug and I was eating it up. He stayed in that position for awhile just rubbing my arm and then fell asleep. He slept on me for pretty much the rest of church. Mommy says he never snuggles with her, so I was grounded. Then that evening as I was preparing to go home he was my shadow as I was gathering all my stuff up. I picked him up and carried him to mommy and said goodbye. He started crying and trying to crawl down mommy and walked back into the kitchen as I was loading my arms up, so I carried him back to mommy again and he was not happy I was leaving.

Makes you feel loved!! Mommy said I was grounded again cause her kid wanted to come home with me. I told her she would always win because she has what he really wants. The ability to nurse him! He is intent on not giving that up. It is down to bedtime only, but he won't give that up for nothing. Laurie is going to have to leave for a week or two for that to happen, cause if he knows she is around, he is not going to relent. He is a smart cookie!

Oh sweet baby boy! God I love this kid!