Thursday, July 3, 2008

Random Wishes

I want these things, in no particular order:

1. I want to take a shower one time without the water running cold. I live alone, meaning all the hot water belongs to me. Why oh why can't I take a hot shower then?

2. I want all the "yidiots" to move to the right-hand lane. It's like they have a meeting every day and make the decision to drive in front of me, blocking both lanes at ten miles under the speed limit. I am a busy girl. If you continue to torment me, I will stop taking my meds, hunt you down and kill you and then plead temporary insanity and get away with it and do you know why? Because the Judge was late for my hearing due to some "yidiot" driving slow in the left-hand lane!

3. I want gas prices to have to be the same no matter what side of town you live on. If I drive to Walmart for groceries, the gas station on that end of town is at least three cents cheaper than the one by my house. Why is that? Same chain! Same town! Makes no freaking sense!

4. I want child rapists to rot in the electric chair instead of being "rehabilitated" and set free again. What on earth could the judge possibly be thinking? He did it once, he sure as heck is going to do it again, don't you think??? I have never heard of a rehabilitated sex offender.

5. I want people to get off whatever political bandwagon they are on and do some real research! SEARCH OUT THE TRUTH, don't just be a follower! Seriously! Figure out where you stand and then go check out the candidates. When you have some facts, then you have my permission to open your big mouth!

Ok, thats my rant session for the week............I don't do this regularly, but some things have been on my mind lately. Forgive me!