Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cody makes his first adult mistake

Cody got a tattoo.

He is 18, legal age, but we all thought we had portrayed the fact that it was not a good idea, but he obviously had some other influences.
On top of getting a tattoo, he didn't just get an itty bitty one, he got a monster sized one, and of a dragon.
He knows his parent's thoughts on dragons and yet he did it anyway.
And on top of that, he lied to his mother about the cost, he told her it was $100, it was $500.
Mom is NOT happy.

Ok, lets back the story up a bit. A couple of weeks ago, the babies would wake up in the middle of the night having had a bad dream/nightmare or in Jess' case, screaming and inconsolable. This went on for over a week, we couldn't figure out what on earth was going on. They both sleep through the night just fine unless they are sick. Jess is teething, so we thought maybe that was it. The real reason revealed itself about ten days into the no sleep for mommy fest.
Cody had bought these mystical magic dragon cards and brought them home. One day he brought them upstairs with him and Laurie noticed them and asked him what they were. The minute she saw them, she had this feeling that this was the cause for the babies not sleeping. She told Cody to get those things out of her house now or he could leave. She told me that I'd probably think she was crazy for thinking that, but the minute she told me, I knew she wasn't crazy. That very night, the babies slept, and every night since.

The babies are having nightmares and waking up a couple times a night again.

Thanks Cody. Your baby brother and sister that you love so much are being tormented AGAIN because of you.

I sure hope you grow up soon. Mom is going to force it on you pretty quick!

And the reason I don't think Mom(Laurie) is crazy, because she was thinking like my Mom that day. My Mom has been very adament about what is allowed in her house from cartoons to movies to video games. My Mom is also a prayer warrior and has prayed over her children from day one to be able to resist the temptations and not be caught in the spells of the evil world we live in. My Mom would have known instantly that those cards were a problem and like Laurie, would have denounced them immediately.

Parents, those of you reading this, PLEASE be careful of what you allow in your homes. I used to think my Mom was crazy, but I now see the wisdom in her decisions. YOU are the one that can control what your children do in your own home and you have to hope and trust that it will carry with them when you aren't around.

Dear Lord~
Please be a beacon to all parents to realize what is going on in their homes and be able to make the changes necessary. Help them realize that You are the center of the home and You are in control. Please protect baby Jess and baby Kersten from these bad dreams and nightmares, help them be able to sleep peacefully, wrapped up in You. Please help Cody realize the errors he has made and learn from them.
Thank you Jesus!