Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Funnies ~ Jess

Jess is almost 14 months now and I think he thinks he is two. He kinda skipped a year and went straight to the terrible twos, cause boy, can that kid through a tantrum! It is hillarious! If he gets mad or doesn't get what he wants, he stomps his feet and throws himself around. He'll sit three rooms away from you and just scream because you didn't pick him up on your way to wherever you were going. Not sure who taught him these actions as he doesn't go to daycare and noone in the house is as much of an actor as he is!
I do love that he is finally not so stuck on his mama. For awhile there, she was the only person he wanted, nobody else was good enough. He is mostly getting away from that and there have been a few times he chose me over her even. Mama said I was grounded cause he called me "mama". I didn't instigate it, so not sure how that is my fault. I love to hold him and snuggle(if you can call it that) with him. He never sits still for very long though.
I find it amusing that almost all of my "kids" when they are little call me Mamie. I think its the natural progression from Mama to Mamie that makes it easier for them. He does say "Mamie" now and I am sure to correct him if he is saying "mama".
Something else fun about Jess is his love of the outdoors. I don't know if he felt as cooped up as the rest of us over the long winter and much anticipated spring we never really got, but he LOVES to be outside and if you go without him, he throws a tantrum and beats on the door. His sister Kersten loves to be outside too. Mom & Dad bought them a swing set/jungle gym apparatus about a month ago and they both could play on it all day. It is probably the best money they have ever spent! They both love to swing, but Jess is still in a baby swing due to his age, so he gets buckled in. When you swing him, if you get close to him and let him "think" he kicked you or if you say boo or try to tickle his feet, he giggles uncontrollably. He has the best laugh, I could listen to it all day. And when he figured how to climb the ladder and go down the slide himself, the smile on his face at the bottom was priceless! He was so proud of himself! He can do it over and over and not get tired.
Still hard to think he is already one, but he is definitely working on two. He can walk by himself now, but is still sort of in the drunken falling down phase and very wobbily. Its cute, but we encourage him all the time to keep going. I am sure he'll be running in no time!