Monday, June 23, 2008

Had to share..........

My friend Wendi has had quite an eventful week. She came to Minnesota last weekend for a wedding and stayed a few extra days to do some visiting with friends. On her way home, at the Minneapolis airport, she took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

Here is the cool part. Not quite seven weeks ago, baby Isaac joined their family via adoption. Wendi is seven weeks and three days pregnant. IRISH TWINS!!!

Wendi and her husband JB have struggled with infertility for years, even going through several cycles of IVF.

The girl is pregnant on her own!!! No medical interventions! A real God given miracle!!
They are excited, their friends and family are excited and God is the awesomest(I know, its not a real word!) God ever! He sure does have a funny sense of humor!

Two babies nine months apart will be alot of work, but oh they are looking forward to the blessing of a sibling for Isaac. If you didn't know, Isaac means laughter, I think its pretty fitting!

God is good all the time, all the time, God is good!

Congrats Wendi, JB, Isaac and Scrubs!!