Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prayer needed ~ Wyatt

Please be in prayer for a little three year old boy named Wyatt today. Wyatt fell off his deck about two months ago and it was scary initially, but he is a very big miracle today in that he is mostly "normal" for his age, but there are some underlying things that will require treating for some time yet.
Today, he is having laser surgery on his throat because the intubation from his initial hospital stay cause alot of damage and its the only way to correct it. Oddly enough, they may have to intubate again today.
Pray that the surgeons have steady hands and precision with results. The wrong move could result in no voice ever again. Pray for his parents as they are weary from all that has transpired since the accident and of course worried about today and the outcome. Pray also for Marshall, Wyatt's younger brother who is not getting as much attention lately and is reacting accordingly. As a side note, Sooki, Wyatt's mom, is pregnant, so the stress of all this is not good for the baby either.
Thanks for your faithfulness as always!