Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Out with Jake & Sara

Well, after more than six weeks, I finally got to see my nephew Jake and his mom Sara on Monday. I hadn't seen them since before I went on vacation. Sara is in the process of moving her and Jake to Spring Valley and has been spending all her non-working hours fixing things up at the new house and taking small loads over. She has been a busy girl, so not much time for socializing.

So Monday night, she finally squeezed me in. She picked me up after I got off of work and we were going to Denny's for dinner. Now, I knew Jake was going to change cause he is a growing boy, but the surprise was Sara. She is not quite five month's post surgery and has already lost 130 pounds! She looks awesome already! You can really see it in her face and the rest of her too. I remember my weight loss taking awhile to show, at least to me anyway. She has more to lose then me, so her number might seem dramatic, but its pretty close to on par with what her doctor was hoping for. She joined a gym and has a trainer and is planning to run a marathon next year. She is WAY more ambitious than me!! I am so proud of her, this is a huge step closer to the goal!

Pretty soon, she and I will both be so skinny, noone will recognize us!
Congratulations thus far kiddo, keep it up!!