Friday, June 13, 2008

Prayer needed - Tricia

I have been following the blog entitled "Confessions of a CF Husband" for over six months now. If you don't know what CF stands for, it is Cystic Fibrosis. Nate is a really awesome blogger and has been chronicling his family's medical traumas. Nate married Tricia almost four years ago now and together they have been battling Tricia's CF. About a year ago, Tricia was to be evaluated for a double lung transplant when they found out that she was pregnant. Not wanting to harm the baby or get rid of her, they chose to proceed with this pregnancy against medical advice and take their chances. Well, in January, Tricia's lungs just couldn't handle the extra work to support the pregnancy and Gwyneth Rose was born a little more than 15 weeks ahead of schedule. Gwyneth was a huge miracle and was breathing on her own almost from the start and completely amazed all her doctors with her progress. During Gwyneth's early start, Tricia was again being analyzed for her double lung transplant again and in April, some awesome family made the decision to donate and Tricia got her new lungs. Tricia did really well post-transplant and was released from the hospital in May and only had outpatient therapy daily to deal with prior to coming home. During her outpatient therapy, Gwyneth was released from the hospital to come home and both her and Tricia have been doing really well. They got to go to their actual HOME last week for the first time in over six months.
This week however, brought some bad news. Duke called to say that Tricia had the mono virus in her system and she needed to come back in for a PET scan and a bronchoscopy/lung biopsy. Needless to say, this is a big setback, but they are very upbeat about the situation. Tricia's PET scan was positive for the virus and the lung biopsy did not go well during the bronchoscopy, so she is going into surgery right now to be opened up to do a better biopsy. By having a full surgery, this puts Tricia back on a ventilator and of course, anesthesia complications are always a risk.
Please pray that everything goes well and that Tricia will have a quick and easy recovery.
Basically, they know what it is, it's a fairly normal outcome for lung transplants, its more or less the extent of the disease and what will be necessary to overcome it.
Tricia and Nate have been through so much and I honestly believe that God will see them through this next storm, but they are going to need our prayers very much.
Please be thinking about them and praying for God's will.