Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh Kersten............

Well, I couldn't wait until Tuesday to share this with you because it was just entirely too funny.

Last night, I went down to the Peaslee's because I needed Laurie's help with some paperwork for a day camp I am taking the girls to on Saturday. They needed alot of personal and medical info, you know, the stuff moms know! Plus they had to sign off on the adventure.

So, as a sweet part of the deal of going down there, I got an excellent dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn. MMMMMMMMMM, nummy. Not a bad trade off for the long drive.

Anyway, before supper was ready, Kersten and the big girls were outside playing, but as always, whenever Mamie arrives, she has to come and give me a hug. Well, whenever she comes inside, she is supposed to try and go potty. She is in PullUps for potty training, and aside from the poop issue, she does pretty good. So last night, after she hugged me, I asked her if she needed to go potty. Her reply? In a very matter of fact tone:

"No Mamie, I already went. I can change myself."

The three year old who is all grown up except in this one little area!!!! Oh the girl can frustrate you some days. When you ask her why she didn't go in the big girl potty, typically her answer is she didn't want to, but lately, its I dunno. Thanks older siblings for passing those pearls of wisdom on to her! And then to top it all off, she came back one day with "Josh doesn't". How do you respond to that? Her 14-year-old brother pees his pants at night and poops them during the day, so why should she have to go in the big girl potty when he doesn't? Three year old logic!