Saturday, January 10, 2009

Surgical Consult Update

So my doctor is a complete idiot. Why do people spend money on degrees?
I walk in there and he thinks my pain is not scar tissue. He thinks I am irregular in my bowel habits and that if I went daily, the pain would go away.
UHHHHHH, news flash. I wasn't regular prior to surgery, and now that I eat less food, do you really think I will be now??
That was the best he could come up with. I cried.

I have been living with this pain for nearly 15 months now. I have done an MRI, a CT scan and an ultrasound. If I were obstructed, don't you think one of them would have showed something?
So what good is the degree?
I mean, yeah, who WANTS to have surgery, but seriously, we have exhausted all the options and now he comes up with this crap? Excuse the pun.

So, I am going to give it two weeks. Two weeks is my limit. If it isn't better, am going for a second opinion. I really think it won't change anything. However, this is the hoop I have to jump through for now.


Unknown said...

Hey Aimee...hang in there sis. Don't be so negative, huh? He or she is a DR...and they don't have all the answers, but neither do you. I know you know your stuff and have been through a lot, but keep your head up...and do like your verse read. Stay strong sis, IN HIM!

Love you