Friday, October 24, 2008

Update on Sara ~ 10/24/08

Well, I heard back from Sara's mom again. She had called last night, but Sara had just come out of surgery and was still in recovery, so they hadn't seen her at that point.
So she just called me now and Sara is doing good from a surgery standpoint. They are confident that the graft will take and she shouldn't need any more surgeries.
She is in alot of pain. They warned her about this. The pain is mostly generated from removal of the skin on the upper thigh to graft to the lower leg. They decided to keep the pain on one leg, initially they were going to use her left leg for the graft harvest site, but they decided to let her have a "good" leg and only one painful leg. And it does hurt quite a bit.
Pray that the healing at both sites will go well and that the pain will begin to minimalize. Pray that they can find a drug to help her tolerate the pain that won't make her get a fever or break out in hives.
Thanks again for your faithfulness thus far.