Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prayer Needed ~ Sara 10/09/08

I had planned to go visit Sara last night as I hadn't seen her in a week. I called her room to see if I could bring some dinner that wasn't hospital food to her, but her mother answered the phone, quietly. Sara was sleeping.

Turns out she has been fighting a fever the last few days. Unknown etiology. They think she might have an infection in her heart, however, they haven't been able to figure this out yet. This is in no way related to her leg issues, in fact, the leg is doing quite well. She is in alot of pain again and thus they gave her a sedative to let her get some rest, which is why I didn't visit. She is also allergic to something they gave her as she is covered in hives.

I told her mom we'd continue to pray. Sara has had a bumpy couple of weeks. I know we all know the saying "God won't give us more than we can handle", but somedays, you really have to wonder!

Please pray that Sara's fevers go away. Pray that whatever infection she has will clear up and go away. Pray they figure out which medicine is causing the hives. God performed a miracle last week in saving her leg, I know he can work out these "minor" details.

Thanks for praying!