Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Year Anniversary

Of my life changing surgery!
Can you believe it? I can't! It was one year ago, I was sitting in the hospital lobby waiting for them to take me up to my room. Wish I had known then it would be six more hours before surgery. I was so hungry and thirsty and I couldn't have anything. =)

BUT, all in all, the last year has been good. I didn't lose all the weight I had intended, but there were circumstances beyond my control that prevented that. So with little to no exercise, I have lost over 70 pounds since that day and with my new found fibromyalgia knowledge and Pain Rehab lessons, my goal is to be all the way done losing weight by the holidays. This is of course so I can put a few on during them! HA!

I can pretty much eat anything these days, obviously just in smaller portions. I have had very few side effects. I occasionally come across something that doesn't agree with me, but for the most part, its been a breeze from that perspective. I am blessed and thankful for that.

So keep praying for me, so that I can reach my weight loss goal. And that I continue to have no complications.
I have appreciated everyone's support.