Well, the five day weekend went by WAY too fast. I totally ruined my sleep hygiene these past few days, so I have to work really hard at getting back into schedule this week. I also am planning to start my five-day-a-week gym routine this week, so that is something else I am working to figure out since each day is a different activity at a different time.
Anyway, back to the trip. I left Wednesday after work, which, I am still on short shifts, so it was noon. I had packed the car up that morning so I could just leave immediately. Well, I didn't quite get out of work at noon and then had to walk six blocks to the car and wait my turn to get out of the ramp, and then I needed lunch, so I grabbed Wendy's on my way to the Interstate, so all said and done, it was about 12:45 by the time I was actually on my way. I was doing really well until I got to Chicago. I knew I was going to hit traffic, but because I hit it at 5 instead of 4, I REALLY hit traffic! Ugh! Two hours to go what would normally take me 45 minutes. I honestly cannot understand why people would purposely do this to themselves twice a day, every day! SERIOUSLY!!!!
So because of the traffic hangup, I didn't have time to stop at my Uncle Bryan's and visit over supper like I planned. I had to be to Indianapolis by 8:45CST, which is 9:45EST, to pick up my brother Mark and his wife Ashly from the airport. So, because of the Chicago hangup, I was late. And their plane got in 30 minutes early. AND their luggage was first off the plane. How the heck does this happen? Planes NEVER get in early and my luggage is almost always last piece off. When I am running late, I expect the airlines to cooperate with me! HELLO!
So, I picked them up about an hour after they had landed and Mark graciously took over driving as I was exhausted. He drove the final 2.5 hours to my moms and we got in just after midnight. Mom and the kids were waiting up for us and my dad actually got off work early that night and was up too. So, we stayed up chatting until after 2AM.
Thursday was mostly a lazy day. We got up late and had big breakfast(that's pancakes or french toast with either sausage or bacon for us). We did have some grocery shopping to do because the plan was to have a turkey dinner that evening. My grandparents from WI were arriving about dinner time and we invited the grandparents from KY to join us as well. So aside from dinner prep, we just hung out.
Friday we got up late and had a big breakfast again and then took off to Louisville(you have to say it correctly, Louivul). We started out at the Glassworks Factory. Most of the artists weren't working that day due to some maintenance, so we got to go on a self-guided free tour. This place does all kinds of art from ceiling chain pulls to huge architectural designs on and in buildings. There was alot that was interesting and the process involved sort of makes you appreciate the cost of an item when you see how labor intensive it is.
It just so happens it was on the opposite block of the Glassworks place, but we didn't know it until after we left our parking space and drove in circles on the crazy one ways where people apparently think its the Indy 500 or something. Sheesh! So, we walk to the building and there is this HUGE baseball bat on the outside of the building. 
I couldn't get a shot where it was all included, so thus, two pics. We walk inside and there is a wall that greets you that has all the signatures of every baseball player that signed a contract with Louisville Slugger since its inception. BIG WALL! Got a few shots of famous or not so famous players.
So by now its 4:30 EST and we decide we'll head towards home. On the way, there is a restaurant just off the highway called The Overlook. It overlooks the Ohio River Valley. Very pretty. Decent food. The town it is in, Leavenworth, IN, has touristy stuff, but of course, its nearly 5, everything is closing. So, after dinner, we just headed for home.
Saturday we had to be up early to head up towards Indianapolis for a family reunion. Indy is considered EST, so we had to do everything an hour early to get there on time. We had a good time visiting with family for about five hours. Some we hadn't seen since Great Grandma Gardner passed, so was nice to see people outisde of a funeral home. On the way home, we took the long scenic route so we could go through Washington, IN, which is a hub for the Amish and Mennonite communities. Ashly had never really seen anything relating to the Amish and Mennonites, so it was somewhat education, somewhat fun. They have a restaurant, general store and furniture store all with the "Black Buggy" label. The furniture store was closed, but the others were open. We weren't very hungry and the Black Buggy restaurant is a full service buffet, so we went next door to Bobe's pizza and had a lighter meal. Headed for home after that.
Sunday we were up somewhat early again for church. Dad made us omelettes for breakfast. Church was good, they had a baptismal. My sister was one of the ones getting dunked. The afternoon was short, but we made homemade tacos for dinner and I got a small nap in before the next church service. After that, a bunch of us older "youth" got together at the Dillinger's and had food, camaraderie and games. Was a good time, another late night.
Monday came way too soon and my intent was to be on the road by 9, it was alot closer to 11. I was tired! I stopped in Griffith to deliver a few things to my Grama at my Uncle Bryan's house. I then grabbed lunch, a fuel fill and was back on the road. I was determined to kick the traffic this time and I succeeded!! Got to Beloit and was so sleepy that I pulled off at the rest area and took a 45 minute nap before continuing on. Stopped in Madison for Rocky Rococo's pizza one last time. Got into Rochester around 10 and proceeded to Walmart for a few groceries before heading home. Would you believe it, I was wide awake! AHHHH! I was up for awhile, I think I dozed somewhere around 12:30. Was very tired Tuesday morning!!
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