Friday, May 2, 2008

It's official, I am an old lady

Well, yesterday I had a Fibromyalgia consult and lo and behold, the reason I am so old at the young age of 30. Fibromyalgia sort of covers a broad range of symptoms, but it basically is the diagnosis when doctors can find no other cause for them. I have consistent pain, especially with extremes of different tasks, I am majorly fatigued, have very little energy, have constant headaches, very poor sleep patterns and poor concentration. I had 18 of 18 tender points, so its full blown.

I will have some educational sessions to learn some ways to deal with the symptoms and even improve or fix them altogether. I also will be seen in the Pain Clinic and go through a three week daily program of how to cope and do things in a way that works for me.

While I was hoping this wasn't the case, I at least have a reason for feeling like an old lady and there are some ways to make it better. The surgery and after effects seemed to have intensified my symptoms, so hopefully with all the things I learn, I'll be better able to cope daily. The thing I hate the most is the lack of energy or the ability to do things for long periods of time. This stems mostly from my poor sleep patterns, and they will address that during the three week rehab program.

Please just keep me in your prayers. Things can only get better now that I have a diagnosis and a plan of attack.
I appreciate all the thoughts and well wishes.