Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Funnies ~ Kersten

I am going to start a new feature on my blog. I'll tell something funny hopefully every Tuesday, but we'll plan for most Tuesdays. Laughter is the best medicine! I hope you giggle too.

My niece Kersten is SO funny and WAY too smart some days. She'll be three June the 8th. Last week she learned a new song. What the song was and how she sang it was TOO funny. The song is "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!". Kersten's version?? "Lori, Lori, Hallelujah!" and then she looks at LoLo(whose real name is Lori) and her Mom(whose name is Laurie) and says, "Mommy, LoLo, that's your song!"

Lately, she has been picking up some of her older siblings' bad habits. For instance, when you ask her something or ask her to do something, instead of doing or answering like she normally would, she looks at you and says "Huh?". She has learned that if she pretends she doesn't hear what you said, she might not have to do it. So her Mom started saying for her birthday, she was getting her hearing aids. So now, anytime you ask her what is Mommy getting you for your birthday, she'll say "hearing aids". Well, that kind of backfired on Mommy the other day. She asked Mommy a question and Mommy answered with a "Huh?", simply because she didn't quite catch the whole question. Kersten comes back with "Mommy, you get hearing aids too, I get little ones and you get BIG ones!"

A few months ago, Mommy & Daddy and Cody had a Christmas party to go to for work, so Kersten, her baby brother Jess and the two older girls, Samanatha and Cadi came to my house. I had to work until 5, so it just worked out better for them to drop them off with me and we switched vehicles so I would have the car seats. When they got there, the weather and roads were just fine. The plan was that I would feed them and then I would head back to their house to put them to bed in their own beds instead of mommy and daddy having to wake them. So, after we got dinner served and cleaned up, I started to get everything together and load up the van. It had started to snow by now, big fluffy flakes of snow were coming down heavily! I love when we get that kind of snow, its perfect for building a snowman or having a snoball fight! Anyway, I get everybody loaded and start the normally 45 minute trip to their house. Now, having grown up in Wisconsin and living in Minnesota nearly ten years, the snow and ice RARELY phase me. I know I need to leave more space inbetween cars and give myself extra time to stop, but otherwise, for the most part, you should be able to drive normally. Well, apparently there are many who never ever understand this concept, so its inevitable that you are going to come upon some idiot who is the cause of most crashes in this kind of weather. So, me, not being afraid of the roads, carefully check for oncoming traffic and proceed to pass. While doing so, I look at the other car and say "IDIOT!". Kersten pipes up in the back and says "Yidiot!". I crack up laughing. The rest of the way home, I didn't say anything while passing the rest of the idiots, but she called it out to every single one! It is not the worst word a two year old could pick up, but its not great either. So like a week later, I show up at their house before church so we can all ride together and apparently, seeing me triggers Kersten's memory. Every time Daddy passed a car, she'd yell "Yidiot!". Her Mom couldn't figure out where on earth she got that from. I had to confess! Its funny still and she still does it anytime I am with her and we are going somewhere and we pass a car.

I am so thankful for my beautiful Kersten, she really makes my day whenever I see her. She is always excited to see me and runs to hug me or snuggle with me. I hope this continues for a long time, but I know its inevitable that she'll grow up way too fast.